ladispunk: Title Fight @ Metro, Chicago by Maryam Photography...
Title Fight @ Metro, Chicago by Maryam Photography on Flickr.
munroeink: tattoos and piercing blog
tattoos and piercing blog
momjew: you must have been born on the highway cuz thats where most accidents happen
you must have been born on the highway cuz thats where most accidents happen
the-mighty-moriarty: ballato: oh the weather outside is frightful but the internet is so...
oh the weather outside is frightful
but the internet is so delightful
since we've no place to go
let it scroll let it scroll let it scroll
lalouveblanche: loveal0ne: something new I got a few days ago...
something new I got a few days ago (:
i hate youuuu
I have this tee
nuclearfuck: god bless i need this
god bless i need this
thehardshipsailed: i'm just so in love with all of this tbh
i'm just so in love with all of this tbh
nurseari: The Story So Far by Steven Matview
The Story So Far by Steven Matview
yvettelive: ashswaina: delosreyesc: I'm dying! Haha! a shame...
I'm dying! Haha!
a shame that this is what pop punk is referred to these days
I want a big hardcore pop punk breaded guy friend
premiium: thats-not-very-punk-of-you: rory-clewlow: chelsea-gr...
Reblogging again, I really love this.
I hope everyone knows that this is an Enter Shikari gif.
Does it really fucking matter? Like just let people enjoy the gif
we were enjoying it until your sassy ass came along
paintless: far too hot
far too hot
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